
Achievesupto60%savingsinairconsumption·DeliversmoreyieldperSCFMversuscompetitiveAODDpumps·Costs50%lessthanelectronicallyactuatedADS·Has ...,In1955,JimWildenrevolutionizedthepumpingindustrywhenheinventedtheair-operateddouble-diaphragm(AODD)pump.WildenAODDPumpBrochures·WildenAODDPump3DModels·IDMyPump·P4,AirPumpingLtd.areoneofthetopUKsuppliersforWildendoublediaphragmpumps,accessories,sparepartsan...

Wilden Product Catalogue

Achieves up to 60% savings in air consumption · Delivers more yield per SCFM versus competitive AODD pumps · Costs 50% less than electronically actuated ADS · Has ...

Leading Manufacturer and Inventor of AODD Pumps

In 1955, Jim Wilden revolutionized the pumping industry when he invented the air-operated double-diaphragm (AODD) pump. Wilden AODD Pump Brochures · Wilden AODD Pump 3D Models · ID My Pump · P4


Air Pumping Ltd. are one of the top UK suppliers for Wilden double diaphragm pumps, accessories, spare parts and repair kits. Wilden Brands · Pump Archive · Wilden Product Catalogue · Pro-Flo Series

美國WILDEN PUMP P2 塑鋼氣動隔膜幫浦(口徑:1英吋)

供應中 評分 5.0 (3,558) 美國WILDEN PUMP P2 塑鋼氣動隔膜幫浦. 型號:P2 出入口口徑:1英吋. 材質:P.P 膜片材質:鐵氟龍. 最大流量:140L/MIN 最大壓力:8.6 bar. 可輸送:廢油/廢水/弱酸/弱鹼等.

Wilden Air-Operated Double-Diaphragm Pumps

The Wilden family of air-operated double-diaphragm pumps has been able to prove its rugged durability and reliable performance in countless installations. Wilden · Principles of AODD Pump · Pump Cycle Monitor · Universal Drum Pump Kit

Wilden Air-Operated Double

Wilden is a global leader in sanitary, hygienic, and biopharmaceutical air-operated double-diaphragm (AODD) pumps.

Wilden Air

Wilden diaphragm pumps are air operated and are mostly double diaphragms. Air drives the pump to work. Compressed air enters the air inlet chamber and the air ...

Wilden from John Brooks Company

Established in 1955 around the innovative air-operated double-diaphragm (AODD) pump concept, Wilden Pump & Engineering thrives under corporate ownership and ...

Wilden® 3 Air Diaphragm Pumps

These pumps are self-priming and capable of pumping viscous liquids for an extended amount of time. These pump models have 3” diaphragms for increased fluid ...

Wilden Diaphragm Pumps AODD

The air operated double diaphragm pumps offered by Wilden are available in various sizes ranging from 6 mm (¼) to 203 mm (8) allowing for optimum flow rates.